Foundation crack repair costs have a large range. From a few hundred dollars on the low-end to well over $50,000 for extensive repairs that require excavation of your exterior foundation.

At Renco, we have four price ranges for foundation crack repair include:

1) Range One: Foundation Inspects ($0 – $300)

Renco provides free consultation and advice to homeowners on foundation crack issues. If you need written advice or an in-depth review of multiple cracks we offer a “Professional Foundation Inspection” service that provides a written document and a two-hour inspection.

2) Range Two: Non-Structural Crack Repair ($950 – $2650)

Most horizontal and vertical cracks fall into this range. The repair process usually includes an epoxy injection to seal the crack. All these repairs are backed by a 25-year transferrable warranty. The price for this repair depends on how many cracks, how deep OR large the cracks are, and whether there are any structural or moisture concerns.

3) Range Three: Structural Crack Repairs ($1200 – $4000)

Structural cracks pose a serious threat to the integrity of your home’s foundation. There are several repair methods depending on the severity of the issue including epoxy injections or carbon fiber countersunk staples.

Structural cracks are often wider than a 1/4 of inch and horizontal

4) Range Four: Exterior Excavation Crack Repair ($5000 +)

When you have moisture or water leaking into your basement, an exterior crack repair is necessary. This process involves excavating the soil around your foundation where the problem is, fixing the crack, applying a waterproof membrane, and backfilling material against your foundation.

The cost for exterior crack repairs is dependent on how much of your foundation needs to be excavated.