Foundation Crack Repair2024-03-08T03:04:56+00:00

Ottawa Foundation Crack Repair

Worried about a crack in your foundation? Don’t hesitate. Get professional advice and repairs backed by a transferrable warranty.

Ottawa Foundation Crack Repair

Worried about a crack in your foundation? Don’t hesitate. Get professional advice and repairs backed by a transferrable warranty.

Foundation Crack Repair Services

Renco provides end-to-end complete foundation crack repair services backed by lifetime transferrable warranties. You deal directly with foundation expert Terry Fraser, owner of Renco to identify issues and choose the best repair method.

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Have a question?
Ask Foundation Expert Terry Fraser.

Text/Call: 613-859-2228

Trusted by Ottawa Homeowners since 2002.


Trusted by Ottawa Homeowners since 2002.


Foundation Crack Repair Projects

Since 2002, we have professionally repaired over 250+ foundation cracks for Ottawa homeowners. All of our foundation crack repairs come backed by a 25-year transferrable warranty. When you spot a problem and contact Renco you deal directly with Renco owner, Terry Fraser who provides advice and foundation repair options. Review some of our foundation repair projects below:

Foundation Crack Repair Projects

Since 2002, we have professionally repaired over 250+ foundation cracks for Ottawa homeowners. All of our foundation crack repairs come backed by a 25-year transferrable warranty. When you spot a problem and contact Renco you deal directly with Renco owner, Terry Fraser who provides advice and foundation repair options. Review some of our foundation repair projects below:

Foundation Crack – Frequently Asked Questions

We continue to receive the same questions from Ottawa homeowners on foundation crack repairs. To make it easier to get the information we built an FAQ section with answers to the most common questions on crack repairs below.
How does Renco’s Foundation Crack Warranty Work?2022-10-17T15:59:36+00:00

Renco provides a 10-year transferrable warranty on all interior epoxy injection foundation repairs.

For exterior foundation repairs, Renco provides a 25-year transferrable warranty.

If you sell your home, the transferrable warranty will cover the new homeowner for the life of the warranty period.

Upon completion of the foundation repair, Renco will provide you with a written warranty document, signed and dated.


How long do foundation crack repairs last? A guide for homeowners2024-03-08T03:07:15+00:00

Foundation Crack Repairs Can Last a Lifetime OR Fail: Learn Why

Foundation cracks can be a serious problem for homeowners, as they can lead to water infiltration, structural damage, and even the collapse of the foundation. If you’ve discovered a crack in your basement foundation, it’s important to take action to repair it as soon as possible. But how long can you expect a foundation crack repair to last?

If done right, foundation crack repairs should last for the lifetime of your house.

At Renco, we back all foundation crack repairs with a 25-year transferrable warranty. This means if you sell the home, you can pass on the warranty to the new owner in case of future issues.

Factors Affecting the Lifespan of Foundation Crack Repairs

The lifespan of foundation crack repairs can vary depending on a number of factors, including:

  • The severity of the crack: A small, hairline crack may be easier to repair and less likely to reappear than a larger, more severe crack.
  • The type of repair method used: Different repair methods have different lifespans. Some repairs may only last a few years, while others can last for several decades.
  • The underlying cause of the crack: If the crack is caused by ongoing foundation settlement or movement, the repair may not be effective in the long term.

Common Foundation Crack Repair Methods and Their Lifespans

Our basement waterproofing repairs are backed by a lifetime transferrable warranty.

1) Epoxy and Polyurethane Injection

One common method of repairing foundation cracks is injection with epoxy or polyurethane. These materials are designed to fill the crack and prevent water from entering the foundation. Epoxy and polyurethane injections are generally considered to be long-lasting repairs, with a lifespan of 10 years or more. For more info, you can read our DIY guide to epoxy crack injections here.

2) Carbon Fiber Reinforcement

Another common method of repairing foundation cracks is using carbon fiber reinforcement strips. These strips are applied to the foundation’s surface and help distribute the load across a wider area, reducing stress on the crack. Carbon fiber reinforcement repairs are considered to be long-lasting and can last for 25 years or more.

3) Hydraulic Cement, Piers, and Anchors

Other repair methods include hydraulic cement, which can be effective for sealing small cracks but may not be suitable for larger cracks or those caused by ongoing foundation movement. Another option is the installation of foundation piers or anchors, which can help to stabilize the foundation and prevent further cracking.

The Importance of Addressing Underlying Foundation Crack Issues

It’s important to note that the lifespan of any foundation crack repair depends on the underlying cause of the crack. If the crack was caused by ongoing settlement or movement of the foundation, the repair may not be effective in the long term. In such cases, additional repairs or even foundation replacement may be necessary.

Example of underlying foundation issue:

For example, if a foundation crack is caused by expansive soils that are prone to swelling and shrinking, a long-lasting repair may require addressing the soil issues. This could involve installing a foundation drainage system, improving the grading around the foundation, or even installing soil stabilization measures.

Similarly, if a foundation crack is caused by poor soil compaction or inadequate footings, the repair may need to address these issues in addition to sealing the crack. This could involve installing additional footings, reinforcing existing ones, or even excavating and re-compacting the soil beneath the foundation.

Does homeowners insurance cover foundation crack repairs?2022-02-16T19:01:42+00:00

Homeowners’ insurance may cover foundation repairs if the damage is included in your policy. Although the majority of homeowners insurance policies we see exclude the natural settling, cracking, or expansion of foundations. This includes damage due to tree roots or faulty construction.

Before contacting your insurance, we recommend reviewing your policy to see if foundation repair is included.

For new homes, foundation repair may be covered under your builder’s home warranty.

How much does it cost to fix a foundation crack?2022-02-16T18:57:07+00:00

Foundation crack repair costs have a large range. From a few hundred dollars on the low-end to well over $50,000 for extensive repairs that require excavation of your exterior foundation.

At Renco, we have four price ranges for foundation crack repair include:

1) Range One: Foundation Inspects ($0 – $300)

Renco provides free consultation and advice to homeowners on foundation crack issues. If you need written advice or an in-depth review of multiple cracks we offer a “Professional Foundation Inspection” service that provides a written document and a two-hour inspection.

2) Range Two: Non-Structural Crack Repair ($950 – $2650)

Most horizontal and vertical cracks fall into this range. The repair process usually includes an epoxy injection to seal the crack. All these repairs are backed by a 25-year transferrable warranty. The price for this repair depends on how many cracks, how deep OR large the cracks are, and whether there are any structural or moisture concerns.

3) Range Three: Structural Crack Repairs ($1200 – $4000)

Structural cracks pose a serious threat to the integrity of your home’s foundation. There are several repair methods depending on the severity of the issue including epoxy injections or carbon fiber countersunk staples.

Structural cracks are often wider than a 1/4 of inch and horizontal

4) Range Four: Exterior Excavation Crack Repair ($5000 +)

When you have moisture or water leaking into your basement, an exterior crack repair is necessary. This process involves excavating the soil around your foundation where the problem is, fixing the crack, applying a waterproof membrane, and backfilling material against your foundation.

The cost for exterior crack repairs is dependent on how much of your foundation needs to be excavated.

Is it normal for house foundations to crack?2022-02-16T18:45:31+00:00

Yes, both old and new homes foundations crack. Small cracks are often cosmetic due to concrete settling overtime or large moisture/humidity changes in the basement.  These types of cracks are called “hairline foundation cracks” and can be easily repaired with concrete acrylic paint or left alone and monitored.

If you have a new home, the hairline foundation cracks may be covered under your homeowner’s warranty. These cracks occur as the concrete shrinks during the curing process.

If you spot a crack larger than 1/10th inch, we recommend taking a photo of the crack and monitoring progression OR contacting a professional foundation repair company for advice.

When should I be worried about foundation cracks?2022-02-16T18:39:49+00:00

You should be worried about foundation cracks that have the following signs:

  1. Cracks larger than the diameter of a quarter (0.75 inchs)
  2. Cracks that have a “step pattern” – common in block foundations
  3. Long diagonal cracks that extend over 2 meters
  4. Foundation cracks that extend from the ceiling to the floor
  5. Cracks that have moisture or water leaking out of them
  6. Foundation cracks that continue to grow over time.

If you spot a foundation crack we recommend taking a photo of it and sending the image to Renco. We can provide advice on whether the crack is serious and what to do next.

Renco Foundation Crack Repair Reviews

The most important part of selecting an Ottawa foundation contractor is reputation and reviews. You want to fix the problem right the first time. Renco has developed a reputation with 100% customer satisfaction in Ottawa. All our work is backed by a transferrable warranty so you can rest easy knowing the job was done right.
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